Discipline is a broader term and includes several things which change from time to time and place to place. When we travel in train or metro, we must follow the rules of the railways-buying the ticket, occupying our seat, not to disturb others or defile the compartment, not to carry any inflammable article, and protect the railways property, etc. While going to some office to get some job done such as depositing money in the bank, paying electricity bill, etc. we must stand in the queue and wait for our mm.
While travelling in a bus, the discipline demands taking the proper ticket, offering seat to ladies and old persons, not to smoke or chew paan, and cooperate with the transport services, people, etc. While crossing the road, we must take the zebra crossing. While driving, discipline is extremely necessary. We must avoid drunken driving and follow the rules of traffic strictly.
If we follow these rules and remain disciplined, not only we ourselves, but the society at large will also benefit. Following the rules of the road saves us from getting injured or even killed. Being a disciplined traveller not only makes our journey as well as that of others convenient but also helps the transport authorities to serve us better, leading to an improved service.
Standing in a queue and waiting for our turn at a public counter, avoids chaos, brings order and saves time. Paying our taxes in time saves us from penalties and punishments; paying our telephone, electricity, and water bills also saves us from extra charges and disconnections. The revenue collected by the companies is used to improve the services which benefit all of us. The amount of taxes paid by us form the capital with which the government undertakes new projects of development in the form of industries, servicing institutions like banks, insurance companies, etc. and schools, colleges, hospitals, roads, etc.

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