काठमाडौं – विवाह पूर्व आफ्ना प्रेमी तथा प्रेमिकालाई धोका दिएो र खाएको समाजमा प्रशस्तै भेटिन्छन् । तर, पछिल्लो समय विवाह पश्चात श्रीमान र श्रीमतीबीचको सम्बन्धमा समेत फाटो आउन थालेको छ । अर्थात एक अर्कालाई धोका दिने गरेका छन् ।
दम्पत्तीबीचको सम्बन्ध टुट्नुलाई पहिले श्रीमानलाई दोष दिने गरिएपनि पछिल्लो समय श्रीमती समेत धोका दिनेमा पर्न थालेका छन् । महिलाले विवाह पश्चात धोका दिनुको प्रमुख कारण असन्तुष्टि रहेको बताइन्छ । जानौं थप कारणहरु : आपसी वार्तालापको अभाव महिलाहरु आफ्ना पतिसँग कुरा गरिरहन चाहान्छन् । साथै श्रीमानले पनि कुरा गरिरहोस् भन्ने चाहाने महिलाहरुले सो क्रममा आफ्नो कुरा शेयर गर्ने अवसर कुर्छन । यदी यो अवसर लामो समयसम्म नपाएको खण्डमा श्रीमान्–श्रीमतीबीचको सम्बन्धमा दरार उत्पन्न हुन्छ र अन्तमा श्रीमतीले धोका दिने सम्भावना पनि बढ्छ ।
बाहिर अफयर हुनु विवाह पश्चात पुरुष बाहिर अन्य महिलासँग अफयरमा रहेमा श्रीमतीले धोका दिन्छिन् भने विवाह अघि आफ्नो प्रेम सम्बन्ध रहेको खण्डमा पनि महिलाले श्रीमानलाई छाडेर पुरानै प्रेमीसँग विवाह गर्न सक्छे । विचार नमिल्दा लामो समय सम्म पनि पतिसँग विचार नमिल्ने तथा झगडा भइरहेको खण्डमा श्रीमतीले अर्काे पुरुष प्रति आकर्षित हुन्छन् ।
जसले गर्दा श्रीमानलाई धोका दिएर महिलाले दोश्रो विवाह गर्ने सम्भावना पनि हुन्छ । विश्वासमा कमी तथा अभाव केही महिलाहरु विवाह पश्चात यस कारण पनि धोका दिन्छन् की उनको पतिले केहिल्यै विश्वास गर्दैन । अर्थात आफूमाथि विश्वास नगर्दा पतिमाथि विभिन्न शंका उत्पन्न हुने हुँदा पत्नीले धोका दिन अग्रसर हुन्छन् । यौनमा असन्तुष्टि पटक/पटक आफ्ना श्रीमानसँगको यौनकार्यमा असन्तुष्टि भइरहे महिला अर्काे पुरुष प्रति आकर्षित हुन्छन् ।
जस कारण श्रीमानलाई धोका दिएर श्रीमती अर्काे पुरुषसँग जान सम्भावना हुन्छ । सम्बन्धमा निराशपन बढ्नु धेरै महिलाका यस्ता पति हुन्छन् जसले आफ्ना श्रीमतीलाई धेरै समय दिन सक्दैनन् । एउटै रुटिनमा बस्दा महिलाहर धिक्क मान्छन् । अर्थात एक्लै बस्दा बस्दै धिक्क लाग्ने क्रममा बाहिरिने उनीहरुमा बानी हुन्छ जसले परपुरुषसँगको सम्बन्ध बढ्न सक्छ । यसर्थ विवाह पश्चात महिलाले धोका दिने यो पनि कारण हो । आत्मसम्मानलाई बढवा दिनु जरुरी हुन्छ यौन सन्तुष्टि आत्मसम्मानको एक कारक हो । जसले महिलाहरुलाई सेक्सी, अधिक सुन्दर तथा धेरै राम्रो देखिने केही अध्ययनहरुले देखाएको छ । यस कारण महिलाहरुलाई विशेष ध्यान दिनु आवश्यक छ ।
महिलाहरुको आत्मसम्मानमा ठेस पुग्ने गरी पटक पटक शिकायत गर्नु हुन्न । यस्ता कुरामा ध्यान नदिइएको खण्डमा महिलाहरु धोका दिन पछि हट्दैनन् । बदलाको भावना बढ्नु केही महिलाहरुमा बदलाको भावना बढेमा पनि धोका दिन्छन् ।
जब आफ्नो श्रीमानले भरोसा तोडेको खण्डमा महिलामा धोकाको भावना बढ्छ । विवाह अघि र पछि गरेको भरोसा पतिले जानजान तोड्ने कार्य दोहोर्याइरहे महिलाहरुको भावना चोट पुग्दा धोका दिएर बदला लिने सोच पत्नीमा जाग्छ । यद्यपी यी माथि उल्लेखित सम्भावित कारण मात्रै हुन् । यी कारण हुँदैमा सबै श्रीमतीले आफ्नो श्रीमानलाई धोका दिन्छन् भन्ने छैन ।
Kathmandu - pre-marital betrayal of his lover and girlfriend dieo and eaten, found abundant society. However, the last time after the husband and wife, including in relation to marriage has begun to strain. That have betrayed one another.
Dampattibicako divorce, the last time before the husband is to blame We'll also betrayed wife may have begun. Women after marriage rather than betray the leading cause of discontent around her. Ourselves more reasons: Lack of mutual conversation that women continue to crave their husband. And her husband also helped that they would have an opportunity to share their point kurchana women during sleep. If this opportunity for a long time without rupture if the husband and wife relationship, and finally betrayed wife is likely to increase.
Aphayara out to be married to the woman after the man out of the other aphayarama persists betrayed wife gives him his love relationship before marriage if the husband left the women married to old boyfriends.Consider the conflicting views that conflict with the long time the husband and wife were fighting if they are attracted to another man.
That betrayed husband to marry another woman is likely to be. This lack of faith and lack of some women after marriage because of the deceived does not believe her husband kehilyai. Woman believed that lack of variety when doubts are quick to betray his wife. Sexual dissatisfaction times / time sticking to their husband involuntarily dissatisfaction women are attracted to another man.Which betrayed wife of Mr another man is likely to go. There are many women who grow nirasapana regarding such a husband to his wife and not much time. One expectancy mahilahara dhikka while doing it. That alone, in order to exit as they pursue the habit of living in the dhikka Padma relationship that can grow. And it is also due to be married after the woman betrayed. Sexual satisfaction is essential to promote self-esteem and self-esteem is a factor. That sexy women, more beautiful, and some studies have shown that very good looking. For this reason it is necessary to give special attention to women.Women's self-respect is not enough to repeatedly complain. If not given attention to these things after betray women to stop them. Growing resentment among some women, feelings of bitterness and acrimony, also deceive themselves.
When a woman if her husband has broken trust the disloyalty of others. Before and after marriage the husband's confidence in the work and again to break Zanjan women hurts feelings betrayed wife thinking and wanting to take revenge. However, these are only due to the above-mentioned possible. All of these reasons that the wife that her husband is not deceived.Labels: News

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