Kathmandu. No man by cutting off two of the same nature that most of us find it hard to believe. But a man who has two of these are not only by gender and even devils can Sachs. These two lingadhari man of his experience in the media have also spoken.
Reddit Ask Mr. enithinga that whatever I ask with a program that asked 1500 questions gathered Super thredale him was made. Many people had him different questions. He also gave a simple way to answer your experience. Two lingadhari There is also the name in English means the two linge men kept davaladika Dude.
These men suffer from the same illness or disease dipheliya name the two genders are in. If these men are single two lingadhari. He was also active sex life and sex can both genders.
Not only that he was bisexual women and men for sexual relations with a wife are people. They have a girlfriend, she is said to have a boyfriend. Davala Dick Dudley Do-turn both gender sex. I learned that his condition has been proposed for pornographic play about the Eurozone have not decided.
काठमाडौ । कुनै पनि पुरुषसँग दुई बटा यौनाङ्ग त्यो पनि एकै प्रकृतिको भन्दा हामीलाई पत्याउन पनि कठिन पर्छ । तर एक पुरुष यस्ता छन् जोसँग दुई बटा लिङ्ग मात्र छैन उनले दुवैबाट सैक्स समेत गर्न सक्छन् । यी दुई लिङ्गधारी पुरूषले आफ्नो अनुभवबारे मिडियामा पनि बोलेका छन् ।
रेडिटको आस्क मि एनीथिङ्ग अर्थात म सँग जेसुकै सोध्नुस् भन्ने एउटा कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत सुपर थ्रेडले उनीसँग सोधिएका १५०० प्रश्न जम्मा पारेको थियो । उनीसँग थुप्रै जनाले फरक फरक प्रश्न राखेका थिए । उनले पनि सहज ढंगले आफ्नो अनुभवबारे जवाफ दिएका छन् । दुई लिङ्गधारी यिनको नाम अंग्रेजीमा पनि डवलडिक डुड अर्थात दुई लिङ्गे पुरुष राखिएको छ ।
डिफेलिया नामको रोगबाट ग्रस्त यी पुरुषलाई सोही रोगका कारण नै दुई लिङ्ग भएका हुन् । दुई लिङ्गधारी यी पुरुष एकल भने होइनन् । उनी सेक्स जीवनमा पनि सक्रिय छन् र दुवै लिङ्गबाट सेक्स गर्न सक्छन् ।
त्यतिमात्र होइन उनी बाइसेक्सुअल अर्थात महिला र पुरुष दुवैसँग यौन सम्बन्ध राख्ने ब्यक्ति हुन् । उनकी एक प्रेमिका पनि छिन् भने एक प्रेमी छन् । डवल डिक डुडले पालै पालो दुवै लिङ्गबाट सेक्स गर्ने गर्छन् । उनको अवस्थाबारे थाहा पाएपछि अश्लिल चलचित्र खेल्नको लागि पनि प्रस्ताव आएको छ यद्यपी उनले यसबारे निर्णय गरेका छैनन् ।
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