This event has become India's bandana existing doctor aarake nursing homes. Monday afternoon, a woman living in Hamirpur hand aaulama had minor injuries. For treatment Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock admitted to nursing homes. Then at around 5 pm According to recourse is had a medical operation, and he was taken to the operation theaters. After some time within the prediction voice began to be heard. When viewed through the window of the unconscious with his wife was being raped. From there, the doctor fled after the door had been broken chaos. Topless woman unconscious condition means that the accused was encouraged.
Sister-in-law says recourse, in the morning but in the afternoon only speak for operation of the operation so that it is firm to the hospital, not the crowd, and criminals to easily reconciled to his work. Following the incident, the woman unconscious means speaking of the rape. Apart from listening to the same thing that impedes victims from the mouth, why my clothes .. Opening.
Aaropi the incident doctor aarake gaudale victim and the victim, including her husband false false statement that explains aaropa imposed. According to SP Rajendra Pratap Pandey Checking the incident, and the incident would have expressed strong action aaropiharulai |
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