akistani actress Meera has backtracked on her earlier statement that she wished to marry PTI chairman Imran Khan, saying now that he is like “a father to her,” The Express Tribune reported.“I respect Imran Khan Sb a lot as a leader, but I cannot even think of marrying him as there is a big age difference between us,” the actress said while speaking to reporters.“He is like a father to me,” she added. Earlier, Meera had expressed her desire to wed the former cricketer, saying, “Imran Khan is a very good looking man, if he ever asked me to marry him, I would most definitely accept the offer.”Reverting back to her ‘marriage’ with Pakistani-American airline captain Naveed Pervaiz, the actress denied that she married anyone in secret, although she did disclose that she will get married this year, and when she does, she will break the news to everyone.She also added that she has her own identity in the entertainment industry and doesn’t copy anyone, instead other people copy her
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akistani actress Meera has backtracked on her earlier statement that she wished to marry PTI chairman Imran Khan, saying now that he is like “a father to her,” The Express Tribune reported.“I respect Imran Khan Sb a lot as a leader, but I cannot even think of marrying him as there is a big age difference between us,” the actress said while speaking to reporters.“He is like a father to me,” she added. Earlier, Meera had expressed her desire to wed the former cricketer, saying, “Imran Khan is a very good looking man, if he ever asked me to marry him, I would most definitely accept the offer.”Reverting back to her ‘marriage’ with Pakistani-American airline captain Naveed Pervaiz, the actress denied that she married anyone in secret, although she did disclose that she will get married this year, and when she does, she will break the news to everyone.She also added that she has her own identity in the entertainment industry and doesn’t copy anyone, instead other people copy her
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